The development of managed
services over the past decade has been dramatic, businesses can
benefit enormously with reduced costs and improved service levels.
However, organisations need to tread carefully - there are as
many managed services disasters as there are success stories.
The keys to a successful service is a good two way relationship
with the provider, clear processes, communication and a good understanding
on both sides of how each organisation works - in other words,
a good working strategic partnership.
Examples of where managed services haven't
worked well can be traced to a more traditional “supplier/customer”
relationship, In many cases organisations cannot expect just to
outsource a problem for it to be magically fixed by an off the
shelf managed service - very often the root cause of the problem
The Founders of Colofinder previously spent
many years developing and deploying managed services in the IT
industry, we have a wealth of knowledge on the subject. The current
market is full of confusing offers, empty promises and much overuse
of the term “managed”, we can help and assist clients
wishing to embark on a “good” managed service relationship.
Many clients wish to find a match for certain
managed service capabilities. For example, an organisation may
already have invested in a specific security vendors, operating
systems or software and therefore require a certain skillset to
manage their particular setup. Colofinder offer free advice to
help the client find the best fit for their needs and avoid the
common pitfalls.
If you need advice or if you don’t like forms and wish to talk
to a consultant
please call 0845 873 4588 |