Some providers have
restrictions on the minimum amount they will sell you, others
that are aimed at the SME market will happily provide ½, ¼ or less of a full rack. Whether you
are looking for a large quantity of racks or just a couple of “U” colofinder.co.uk
can help you locate the best home for your servers.
Some providers have strict rules on the type of
racks they allow in their data centres, for example, some storage
solutions are supplied in their own custom racks, therefore you
will need to find a hosting partner that is happy to accommodate
Finally, your project may dictate
specific telecommunication equipment and its termination, therefore
you will need to ensure the provider will allow this to be installed
in their facility. |
If you need advice or if you don’t like forms and wish to talk
to a consultant
please call 0845 873 4588 |